Business/Financial Planning

The identification and weighting of the various airport operation criteria that affect future cash flows are key to assessing the financial feasibility of the proposed investment programme. In line with the motto “structure follows strategy”, AIRPORT COMPETENCE´s Integrated Corporate Planning & Evaluation System (Business Plan) assumes the implementation of key strategic initiatives and thus reflects the future strategy.

All available market data, basic macroeconomic assumptions, the respective air traffic forecast, the capacity plan and all CAPEX figures are then fed into the Investment Planning Model as well as into the Operational & Financial Planning Model.

AIRPORT COMPETENCE’s Integrated Corporate Planning & Evaluation System is a quantitative model representation of the airport’s future strategy; it represents in figures the entire airport operations, the development plans, all forecasted revenues and costs, pricing structures, capital expenditure programmes and financing structures.
Our business and financial plans have been analysed, checked and challenged by several financial institutions on numerous occasions. We can therefore proudly say that our business plans are bankable documents!


Typically our services cover:

  • OPEX planning
    • Analysis of historical figures
    • Staff cost incl. staff planning
    • Asset related costs, cost of materials and services
    • Administration costs, etc.
    • Optimisation potential (e.g. cost saving) and benchmarking
  • Aeronautical revenue planning (regulated and non regulated)
    • Analysis of historical figures
    • Landing charges, parking charges, passenger charges
    • Ground handling, fuelling, catering, etc.
    • Possible new charges (e.g. security charge)
    • Benchmarking
  • Non-aeronautical revenue planning
    • Analysis of historical figures
    • Especially retail, duty free shop, F&B planning (sometimes on a “per shop” detail)
    • Landside development, airport cities and real estate
    • Lounges, car rental, advertising, office rent, car parking, etc.
    • Possible new income streams and benchmarking
  • Cash flows, balance sheet, financial model
    • Analysis of historical figures
    • Cash flow planning (e.g. free cash flow)
    • Annual balance sheets
    • Gearing
    • Potential funding opportunities (e.g. multinationals)
    • Financial ratios and KPIs (e.g. IRR, ROI, NPV, DSCR, etc.)

Business/Financial Planning Projects